Audio & Video
Spiritual Gifts Part #1
CBS Radio Interview with Benji Cole
Supercharged with Sexual Lust
Have Ears To Hear
The World & Sacrifice
Correction in the Body of Christ
Pray, Praying, Prayer
Four Main Points
Abstract or Desperate
True Repentance---Don Britton
Covid Vaccine Pros and Cons
Will He Find Faith When He Comes?
Capitivated by Media & Screentime
The Walk of Love
It's a Slow Fade
Endurance Brandon Keith
Gifts & Calling of the Holy Spirit
Where are the Real Men of God
False Prophet Convention Animated
Christian Apologetics
Finding the Lord
The Past, Love & Simplicity
By Way of Reminder
Pride vs Humility
Overcoming---Brandon Keith
Spiritual Maturity----Brandon Keith
The Sin of Unbelief
How the Church Became a Harlot
The Eternal Gospel
Three Feet From Gold
I'm Not There Yet
The Modern Tongues Deception
Joel Discussion
#36 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
#35 Signs & Wonders Gospel vs the true Gospel
#32 The Three Most Deadly Sins
#33 Have You Left Your First Love?
#34 What Were You Thinking?
Have you really repented---Brandon Keith
Do You Worship God?---Brandon Keith
Will Your Faith Save You?---Brandon Keith
Dangers of Social Media
Wholeheartedness with God---Brandon Keith
The Kindness and Severity of the Lord---Brandon Keith
Do You Know Him?---Brandon Keith
The Narrow Way---Brandon Keith
Are You Ready?
Are you Ready, Part 2
#23 True Doctrine vs False Doctrine
#24 Father's Day Disappointment
#25 Only a Few People Will be Saved
#26 They Entice by Fleshly Desires
#27 The Barren Fig Tree
#28 The Corruption of the Clergy
Coronavirus causing a shaking
#1 My First 40 Years
#2 Christian Morals vs Non-Christian
#3 Practicing Christians are Practicing Sinners
#4 Pastors & False Prophets Speaking Falsehoods
#5 False Prophets, False Pastors and False Teachers
#6 Why False Prophets Don't Rebuke Sinners
#7 Don't Blame the Devil for Everything
#8 Today's Shepherds are Destroying God's Sheep
#9 The Myth of the Tithe
#10 How Much Should a Pastor be Paid?
#11 Something Worse Than the Coronavirus
#12 False Teachers Teaching False Worship
#13 False Pastors and False Prophets Living Like Kings
#14 False Grace Taught by False Teachers
#15 False Teachers Cause False Conversions
#16 The Rapture Deception
#17 What Image are you Being Conformed Into?
#18 Thoughts, Feelings & Deceptions
#19 False Signs & Wonders
#20 What Happened to the Men of God?
#21 The Evidence of the Holy Spirit
#22 The Day of the Lord
The Myth of the Tithe with Don Britton
The False Church System
The Great Deception American Christianity