Understanding Myths in Christianity Today
How do you know if you really are going to heaven since Jesus said only a few would enter? What does it take for you to be one of the few? How do you know if your church is teaching the truth? How do you know if what you believe about your salvation is true? How do you know if you have been influenced by false teachers? Does the sinner's prayer save you? Do you believe that church attendance is your service to God? How much should a pastor be paid? Should the church collect tithes? What does it mean to worship in Spirit and Truth? What does false teaching look and sound like? Will the lukewarm Christian enter heaven?
Do you have a passionate, intimate, sincere, devoted, loving, wholehearted relationship with God? Do you seek God on a regular basis in prayer and the scriptures? Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? If not, why not?
Don Britton was born in Chattanooga, TN in 1948. He became a Christian when he was 32 years old. While going to several denominational churches, for a few years after becoming a Christian, he became confused and very frustrated with all the different teachings, traditions, rituals and beliefs that he encountered. Don then began a serious, lifetime study of the Bible using concordances, Greek dictionaries, Hebrew dictionaries and computer-based bible software programs later. For almost 40 years Don has researched the scriptures and compared his findings to the generally accepted beliefs of today's modern American Christianity. His book, The Great Deception of American Christianity Without Christ, is a result of those many years of observing various practices of the American church and the many teachings they produce compared with what the scriptures actually have to say. This book is an expose' of much of what is false with the church today as well as a clear explanation of what God really wants from His people. His book addresses the paid pastor issue, the tithe question, the salvation dilemma, the rapture confusion, the grace misunderstanding, the worship service problem, the ministry for money and several other important doctrinal issues. If you don't won't to find out the truth, then don't read this book. There is certainly a simple way to know God and follow Him, but man-made religion in American Christianity is not the answer.
This book will either set you free from false Christianity or will greatly offend you. My hope is that you will be set free.
Don Britton

Tradition has replaced truth, Christianity has become a money machine, preachers lie to members for pay, worship has become entertainment, and God has departed the modern church system.
This may be the most shocking book you have ever read.
The Great Deception of American Christianity Without Christ exposes the condition of the American Church today, which has evolved mostly into a mixture of man-made traditions, false teachings, unscriptural practices, doctrines of demons, hypocrisy, religious superstitions, false prophets, man-made myths, and a money machine. If you have ever wondered if something just doesn't seem right with our American Christianity, then you need to read this book.
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